Friday, November 04, 2005

Too conservative? Too bad

Michael Kinsley on Slate asks: “How conservative is too conservative?”

The Democrats have declared war on President Bush's latest Supreme Court candidate, Samuel Alito, without much in the way of weapons. Only two, really: the filibuster and the power of persuasion. And the filibuster—because it seems (and is) unfair and anti-democratic—will backfire unless people are persuaded that it is saving them from something really bad.

And to make the challenge even more daunting, most of the usual tools of persuasion aren't available this time. Alito seems like a fine fellow, personally. His credentials and qualifications are beyond dispute. Unlike Robert Bork, he is not scary-looking. And another Anita Hill is too much to hope for. Those are the cheap shortcuts.
All that's left is a serious argument: Alito is simply too conservative.

The Republican counterargument will be fourfold: A) He is not very conservative; B) no one knows how conservative he is, and no one is going to find out, because discussing his views in any detail would involve "prejudging" future issues before the court; C) it doesn't matter whether he is conservative—even raising the question "politicizes" what ought to be a nonpartisan search for judicial excellence; and D) sure he's conservative. Very conservative. Who won the election?

I like “D” which reminds me: here are two great pictures from a year ago.


  1. Anonymous11:55 PM

    It was also one year ago, exactly, that Bush made his "I've earned capital, political capital" remarks, and promised to reach out to those who shared his goals. Has any presidency collapsed so quickly, on so many fronts?

    The Alito confirmation will be the final political accomplishment of the Bush era.

  2. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Today at the summit of the americas, protesters set a bank on fire Friday and threw objects at police in the streets of the Argentine city hosting the Summit of the Americas. Small bands of demonstrators threw Molotov cocktails, set bonfires in the streets and burned American flags. At what point will the president realize, maybe he's doing something wrong? although having an IQ of 93 probably doesn't help him think about these things..
