Saturday, November 26, 2005

Sunday morning lineup – Joe Biden? Yes, Joe Biden! Go Joe!

Follow-up – Here’s Mark Kilmer’s Sunday morning roundup. God bless him, because I just can’t sit through these shows anymore. The only thing worth watching is the weekly argument between Brit Hume and Juan Williams on Fox News Sunday.


  1. Anonymous10:21 PM

    i totally agree, but many times i have recently become digusted with the fox show (chris wallace). today wallace was somewhat more balanced with his interview with carl levin and his rebut of biddens false response from last week. maybe there is hope still for mr wallace.

  2. Anonymous12:52 AM

    But for turning on the television set and seeing Joe Biden, how else am I to know when it's Sunday?

  3. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Plus, Biden's relentless camera whoring makes a nice contrast to George W. Bush's bi-annual juggling of unscreened questions in something other than a hermetic pep rally.

  4. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I loved the comment about Brit and Juan. Juan is such a lightweight. If it weren't for NPR I doubt he'd have a job. I get a kick out of how Brit just usually slaps him down after rolling his eyes. It's like watching an adult try to show a child his or her mistakes. Juan must be there to add to the comic relief.

  5. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Juan Williams would not only not have a job if it weren't for NPR, he wouldn't have a job if he was white. Fox should fire that idiot forthwith.
