Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Slow-motion famine in Zimbabwe

People in Zimbabwe are starving because agricultural output has plunged since the government seized white-owned farms and redistributed them to the black population. At least they're starting to face an unavoidable fact:

Deputy Agriculture Minister Sylvester Nguni was quoted in the state-owned Herald newspaper as saying that while a few of those given land were committed to agricultural production, many others were doing "nothing" on the farms.

Although he mentioned the poor rains, he also told a meeting of the Zimbabwe Farmers' Union: "The biggest letdown has been that people without the slightest idea of farming got land and the result has been declining agricultural output."
In hindsight, this seems like a critical problem, no? Nice work, Robert Mugabe.


  1. Anonymous11:04 PM

    This is from today's BBC report of famine in southern Africa. Another Marxist Regime, another, gastly, disaster.

    "Zimbabwe was the worst-affected area, with 4.3 million people in need of help, a WFP statement said.

    Our correspondent says food prices are escalating wildly, new farmers have failed to grow sufficient food and 700,000 people have been ousted from their homes as part of President Mugabe's urban clean-up programme.

    Zimbabwe's government has frustrated the delivery of large quantities of foreign aid, she adds.

    Church leaders, meanwhile, are warning that government food is being given to supporters of President Mugabe's party, Zanu-PF and not to his opponents.

    "President Mugabe is deliberately starving his people. They are doing this for political motivation," Bulawayo Archbishop Pius Ncube told the BBC.

    "Break the people of Zimbabwe until they completely agree that Mugabe is the only master of Zimbabwe and they must all support Zanu-PF or starve." "

  2. Anonymous11:14 PM

    You miss several important points:

    1) the evil, capitalist white-devil farmers who previously 'occupied' the land cared only about profits and are now justly gone;

    2) Zimbabwe, like the former USSR is in what appears to be a stretch of bad weather (that may last for decades) that depresses the production of food;

    3) The non-ZANU-PF parasites are destroying the patrimony of the Zimbabwean people, as denoted and provided by Dear, Maximum Leader Mugabe;

    4) The rest of the world should just butt the hell out, except for sending large amounts of cash to Dear, Maximum Leader Mugabe (and a few select officials of the UN).

    Get with the program, people.


  3. Anonymous9:42 AM

    And as the joke goes. Q. What's the difference between Zimbabwe and South Africa. A. Five years.
