Friday, November 04, 2005

Second amendment diary – Fingerprinted and processed

Last night, I (finally) found the time to stop by the police station and pick up my certificate for the gun safety course I took last month. Then I handed in my application for a “license to carry” and went through fingerprinting and pictures. I expect I’ll get my permit in a couple of weeks. Still moving forward.


  1. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Good luck with that. Hopefully they've worked out the delay problems they were having when I got mine up there. Not knowing what city you live in, I can't guess as to what license you'll get so I don't know if you really need a lot of luck or not. For Western MA, I'm a big fan of the Pelham chief for permits.

  2. Great! Congratulations! What a coincidence I was at the range all day! Just got a 30-06! So when you finally get your gun, practice, practice, practice. Don't forget to get your wife involved, she needs to know how to handle a firearm. She should also get her permit as well!

  3. Anonymous10:33 PM

    I was just wondering the other day how that was progressing.. glad to hear you're keeping up with the process

    and in a somewhat related vein, I bought myself a new toy.. it's not a real gun, but it's a 'bb' gun that looks EXACTLY like a Wilson Combat 1911 pistol.. made by Western Arms, it's an 'Airsoft' version that shoots 6mm plastic bb's via compressed gas.. now I can actually have target practice in my own house!
