Saturday, November 05, 2005

Love to see them lose

Before I even opened this link for “Why it’s great to watch these guys lose” on Fox Sports, the very first name that popped into my head was “Phil Helmuth.” But then I thought that poker isn’t a real sport and…he’s #7.

I would like to have Phil Helmuth losing poker hands playing on a loop in my house, office and car so any time I need a little pick-me-up I can just glance up at the screen and see the brat throwing a tantrum.

How is it that no one punches him in the face?
In the 2005 World Series of Poker, Helmuth lost a huge hand when another player caught the very card he needed (a Jack) on the river. The crybaby ranted and then openly insulted this guy (who was built like a NYC firefighter) before retreating to his psychiatrist wife sitting on the sidelines. I was wondering why the guy didn’t ask Helmuth to step outside but, seeing as he just took almost his entire stack, what was the point? Loser. (Hat tip: Fark)


  1. I call Helmuth "Uncle Rico." He keeps talking about a championship he won in 1989. Helmuth cries that these new guys are bad for poker. Someone needs to tell him that these new guys are not bad for poker, only bad for him.

    I loved it when those guys took him down, especially "that maniac" who went all in on pocket 7s.

  2. I almost put that in the post, except I didn't want to make it so long: the endless "Glory Days" reminiscing about his big victory before anybody knew about the WSOP. Did you see on ESPN when he made some comment about being in the top 10 players in the world? "I've busted dozens of Europeans?" Oy vey.

    I could watch him bust in the first round over and over.

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