Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Confused by yet another entitlement

Don’t you hate those cloying stories about people who have won the lottery griping about how tough they have it? Starting January 1st, senior citizens will gain the prescription drug benefit which will cost over a trillion dollars in the next ten years. The burden of the program’s cost will, of course, be borne by younger workers who already pay for Social Security and Medicare benefits for the grey set.

But it’s never enough. Today WashPost house liberal Harold Meyerson complains that those poor, bewildered seniors just can’t figure out the details of the new benefit. Isn’t that terrible? Maybe we should scrap the whole program and save a couple billion.


  1. Hey, why do you think they need lots of drugs!

  2. Anonymous11:52 AM

    This eventually WILL be repealed (again). Medicare HAD a prescription drug benefit in 1988, but it was repealed for some of the the same reasons, mainly: seniors discovered how much it cost them in increased taxes and premiums.

    For a brief explanation, see: .
