Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Apparently it’s a secret

Here’s a good question from the Christian Science Monitor article “Republican woes won’t rescue Democrats from their confusion”:

But eventually, the Democrats have to be the party of something more than "we're not them." They have to decide what it is they believe. And the questions are much deeper than whether they voted for or against invading Iraq or No Child Left Behind.

The questions go to the core of the party. What does it mean to be a Democrat?
For extra fun, here’s Ruben Navarrette with “Democrats have given nuance a bad name”:

Democrats lost the last two presidential elections, in part because they sent forth candidates who -- in their eagerness to get as many votes as possible from the left, right and center -- took both sides of every issue, flipped positions, parsed phrases, eschewed straight talk and gave nuance a bad name by taking complicated policy positions that were impossible for most Americans to decipher.
And speaking of the Democrats’ last loser, Gay Patriot West calls John Kerry (whom I call “Senator Splunge”) the “perpetual weathervane.” What a stark contrast to former VP candidate Joe Lieberman who has discovered declarative statements such as “Our troops must stay.” Doesn’t get much clearer than that.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:18 AM

    You're saying what the Democrats need to do to win back America's confidence is hook their star to a mope who routinely finishes 5th to 7th in 8-way primaries, and who makes Gore and Kerry look like two wild and crazy guys? Shrewd!

    Lieberman is a tweener who finds it politically expedient to call himself a Democrat. No nuanced hedging there. If he were the Senator from Utah, take a wild guess what would happen.

    He's a hero only to those who think Zell Miller is a man of principle but Jim Jeffords was a diabolical opportunist. Amazing how the right will grab onto their erstwhile "Loserman" for ballast just because the ship is sinking.
