Monday, October 10, 2005

Who are you going to believe: the MSM or the bloggers? – Newsweek’s Michael Isikoff suggests that Karl Rove may be in trouble for a recently uncovered E-mail. Frankly, I don’t see how since the message to deputy national security advisor Stephen Hadley confirms much of what has been leaked about the Rove-Cooper conversation. Is this late piece of information the sole reason for Rove’s fourth appearance before the Fitzgerald grand jury? The Minuteman (natch) provides more background than you can shake a subpoena at. Meanwhile, by way of Strata-Sphere, Macsmind floats the theory that it will actually be Joe Wilson brought up on charges for engaging in the “most elaborate scheme ever devised against an Administration.” That kind of twist would turn Washington inside-out, I'll tell you what.


  1. Anonymous2:35 AM

    Look! I'm not the one who said Joran Van der Sloot is gay.

    I've heard he was gay, and I've talked to guys who claim to have slept with him, but I never slept with him.

    Maybe Joran Van der Sloot is gay. That doesn't make him innnocent. Maybe he killed her because Natalee was with his boyfriend. Maybe his boyfriend is bi-sexual, and killed Natalee, and Joran helped dispose of her body.

    All I'm saying is that I never said Joran was gay.

  2. Go away troll...

    I of course believe Newsweek. Their reputation is impeccable. How dare you question them?

  3. Anonymous11:48 AM

