Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Social Security problem isn’t going away

David Broder calls for fiscal sanity from both sides in the political spectrum in “Will anyone pay the bills?

This message was spelled out by Maya MacGuineas, a panelist from the NewAmerica Foundation and the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. As one who has worked with Republican moderates as often as with Democrats, she was particularly insistent that Democrats must ante up for any bipartisan solutions to become possible.

Specifically, the Democrats who have profited politically this year (as in the past) by opposing any change in Social Security must, she said, recognize the necessity of reforming the country's retirement system before it becomes an impossible economic burden on working-age Americans.
As I’ve noted many times before, the task of entitlement reform will become nigh-impossible once millions of (voting) baby boomers go on the dole.

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