Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The journalistic and fiscal decline of the NY Times

Here’s Jay Rosen last week:

Just one man's opinion, but now is a good time to say it: The New York Times is not any longer--in my mind--the greatest newspaper in the land. Nor is it the base line for the public narrative that it once was. Some time in the last year or so I moved the Washington Post into that position...
Debunking the liberal bias of the NY Times and its columnists is a full-time job for some, which is why this story fills me with schadenfreude: “N.Y. Times Earnings Fall in Third Quarter.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:36 PM

    And what if the Times truly is merely the second-greatest or the second most important American newspaper? What a ghastly fate!

    And Tiger Woods is only 2nd on the PGA tour's money list. Haw! What a humiliating burn!

    That "Earnings Fall" article has absolutely nothing to do with liberal bias coming home to roost. In fact, the paper's revenues are up, but costs are up more. How's your schadenfreude for General Motors? NYTimes-bashing is fun, I guess, but you might as well be cackling because Frank Rich's refrigerator broke last week and all his frozen food spoiled.
