Sunday, October 30, 2005

Hate-fest on Boston Common

It was a beautiful, crisp fall day in Massachusetts yesterday. Perhaps some Bostonians or tourists decided to walk down to Boston Common where 230 years ago men such as Paul Revere and Samuel Adams discussed the blessings of liberty. Unfortunately, they probably needed to cover their children’s ears. From the Boston Globe: “Anti-war protesters march on Common

One demonstrator carried a sign that read, ''Bush Wants Your Children For Cannon Fodder," and another that accused the president of causing the terror attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

Some of the musical performers sang antiwar anthems that could have played on any coffeehouse stage. But others led the demonstrators in chanting choruses laced with expletives against the president and the war.
Cindy Sheehan, the Left’s favorite mother, made it clear she wasn’t cut from the June Cleaver mold:

''She said, 'Cindy, don't you want to use a little nicer language, because you know there might be people sitting on the fence that you offend,' " Sheehan told the crowd. ''And do you know what I said? I said, 'Damn it, why is anybody on that fence still?' "
Then they all went home, having convinced exactly zero people to their viewpoint, yet warmed by their glow of their profanity-laden rhetoric.

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