Thursday, October 20, 2005

Approaching “toast – I was willing to give Harriet Miers a chance to explain herself in the vetting process, but so far she seems to be making her situation worse. Patterico is despondent, Michelle Malkin is in revolt, and now it looks like George Will has an article this weekend that may sink the nomination for good. Via the Corner: “if I were a pro-Miers Republican, I would dread getting out of the bed and opening the paper on Sunday. It's that powerful.” Yikes. What an unholy mess.

Extra – From Best of the Web: “The Miers debacle is beginning to remind us of New Coke--a product introduced in an effort to expand market share, which instead infuriated loyal customers. If Bush wants to "save his presidency," the way to do so is clear: withdraw the Miers nomination and reintroduce Court Classic.”

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