Monday, October 10, 2005

After the eight-count

Michael Barone believes that President Bush could rebound by focusing on an aggressive, invigorated agenda:

On domestic policy, Bush has been pursuing the plans he set out in his 2000 campaign, some of which seem blocked, temporarily or permanently. His gas tank is running low. Of course, the Democrats have little in the way of specific proposals, aside from repeal of the Bush tax cuts -- they've been running on empty since Bill Clinton left office.

That invites the public to say a pox on both parties. But it also provides an opening for Bush to lay out a more robust agenda -- maybe in his State of the Union next January -- one geared to the years ahead, instead of his priorities in 2000. Bush seems beset now, but he has a chance to rebound and confound his vitriolic critics once again.
The very first thing I would recommend is a one-year delay of implementation of the massive prescription drug benefit.


  1. Anonymous3:05 PM

    First the right declares that the "Democrats are running on empty".
    Second they say that Bush can recover by announcing a "robust agenda."
    Your Response: "The very first thing I would recommend is a one-year delay of implementation of the massive prescription drug benefit."
    Is this a Republican full tank in the days of $3.00 gas? If this is robust, I wonder what something weaker would be?

  2. I don't follow your point. Are you saying that delaying the drug benefit is not a "robust" idea or not a "good" idea? As usual, the Left is all bbbluster and no solutions.

    But I'll defend my idea thusly: there's only a couple of programs that eat up a huge portion of the federal budget. After defense and interest on the federal debt, there's entitlements. The prescription drug benefit hasn't been implemented yet, therefore nobody will miss what they never had. Delay it for a year and the government will save about $70 billion (if memory serves). That's money to rebuild New Orleans, fight terrorism, or pay down the federal debt. Everything else is nibbling at the edges.

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