Sunday, September 11, 2005

We will not forget – Keep scrolling on Polipundit for many, many 9/11 links along with Instapundit and Winds of Change. Plus don’t forget that “The Flight that Fought Back” will be on the Discovery Channel tonight.

Follow-up – The Flight 93 movie was good but a little heavy on the “every passenger a hero” angle. And I was annoyed at some revisionist speculation that the passengers breached the cockpit door when, in the words of the official report: “Thursday's report gives no indication that passengers ever broke through the cockpit door, but it makes clear that passengers' actions thwarted the plans of the terrorists.” On this point, the movie relived the final moments from the cockpit voice recorder but not this widely reported line: “"In the cockpit. If we don't, we'll die," a passenger is heard saying.” The staged image of burly Americans barreling into the cockpit kind of ruined it for me.

Aside from that, how funny was the “show them the axe” moment? Nice one.


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Ah, the inspiring Drink Cart of Death. Who needs ancient mythology when we can write our own?

  2. Anonymous4:44 AM

    So you were there, huh?
    Tell us, pray, what really happened?

  3. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Annnnything you want to have happened, Toren, anything you want.

    I wasn't there, and neither was anyone who's talking. Thanks for neatly re-making my point.

  4. Anonymous4:03 PM

    In that case, your opinion is just as worthless as mine.
    Thus we cancel out, and we are left to follow the official report.
    That was easy, wasn't it?
