Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Two quick blog notes

Except to annoy a particular baseball fan, I do not delete comments unless they contain profanity. Please try to make your point without obscenities. I’m trying to keep this site relatively family-friendly.

And sometime over the weekend, Viking Pundit passed 1 million page views. Thanks to everyone for stopping by (repeatedly).


  1. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Oh, "annoyed" doesn't even make the list. I'm flattered by your quixotic sidebars, and bewildered, and perhaps a little unnerved. But never annoyed.

    And it's good that your site is Unser family friendly. In the meantime, while you were accidentally posting your IMs to me as blog entries, the fading pastime of a bygone century set a new attendance record for spring training this past March. And it's on pace to establish new attendance records in both the minor and major leagues. Gosh, I'm going to miss the old girl.

    Go Pennzoil!

  2. Hooray for your steroid-inflated attendance!

    The Unser family is Formula One racing, bozo.

  3. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Um, the Unser family is RACING. They'll compete in anything if it has an engine in it. They've made their mark in dirt tracks, Pike's Peak, Indy Car (their most visible claim to fame), etc. But, I don't remember them doing any Formula 1 racing. I might've missed it, though.

  4. I thought Indy Car *was* Formula one. Oh man..time to delete comments again!

  5. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Eff the Sox

  6. Anonymous12:19 AM

    It's hard to believe there could be so much confusion regarding "America's second most popular sport."
