Sunday, September 18, 2005

That deaf, dumb and blind kid sure would be a good nominee

Mark Steyn imagines the next Judiciary hearing:

But maybe it'll go better for 'em next time. Or maybe it'll just be another rote slog through "troubling" stuff no normal person or his amigo cares about. Or maybe Bush will nominate Marcel Marceau so the bloviators can talk over the nominee to their hearts' content, hammering away with the Gone-With-The-Windy speechifying until they collapse momentarily exhausted and Marceau does three seconds of his man-feeling-his-way-round-the-inside-of-a-box mime before the infuriated Biden interrupts: ''C'mon, ol' buddy, gimme somethin' to work with here. You know we love ya, but buy us some peanuts an' Crackerjack, amigo.''
Perhaps Bush will nominate “Worker of the Week” inanimate carbon rod. (Hat tip: Country Store.)

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