Saturday, September 24, 2005

Say what? - Tom Maguire surveys the relative influence of left and right bloggers. Apparently we conservatives are all-powerful and highly disciplined in our allegiance to Lord Rove (or not) while the lefties are struggling to get their message across because of a hostile media (or not). Be sure to read the comments also.

1 comment:

  1. Rove is brilliant. Proof? We know who he is. Sorta. Maybe the first reference to the evil Rove wasn't planned, but when people want an evil mastermind it's best to give them one.

    Bush: We need to do something about your reputation, Karl.

    Rove: Oh no! This is fabulous. Trust me, I caught this ball and I'm on my way to the end zone.

    (I think Chris Muir got it right with that strip that has Rove as Darth Vader... having Way Too Much Fun.)
