Sunday, September 25, 2005

The new math – How many war protesters in Washington this weekend? Silent Running has an illustrative comparison.

Extra – Byron York goes “Inside the anti-war demo”: “Stop the war. Impeach Bush. Destroy Israel. Remember Katrina. And don’t forget Florida and Ohio.”


  1. Anonymous3:55 PM

    The left's "new math" tries to make Cindy Sheehan seem like a bigger deal than she really is.

    The right's "new history" and "new science" kill thousands and thousands of people.

    That dang left!

  2. Anonymous7:32 PM

    I am overwhelmed the the grace, logic, and brilliance of your comment, Anonymous. From now on, I vote the straight Democratic ticket.
    Free Mumia!

  3. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Ha, ha! Americans die while waiting for unfunded stem cell research that our 46th President will be buying from India! Haw, haw! There was no reasonable opposition to the "WMD" belief before the start of the war, none, none, none! Those millions of protesters in 80+ countries were all just lucky guessers! (And probably High Times subscribers... Free Mumia!) Ho, ho! Global warming? What global warming! Bush's policy advisers have selflessly taken leaves of absence from Exxon to assure him that greenhouse gases = job growth! Hee, hee! Keep stickin' it to those bomb-throwing kooks, Toren! Your school of comedy is absolutely KILLING us!

  4. Anonymous2:25 AM

    I am humbled by your deep wisdom and encyclopedic knowledge of science, politics, and history.
    I am not worthy, oh Anonymous one!

  5. Since none of these slogans have either traction or meaning then maybe the Democrats and the left could use the old "Rum, Rebelion and Romanism" phrase. It worked in 1884 and makes as much sense for the present as the slogans that are currently in use.

  6. Shoot, I transposed the words, its "Rum, Romanism and Rebellion". Besides we will probably be buying stem-cell products from Koreans living and the USA.
