Sunday, September 18, 2005

The Mao Zedong of Africa

It’s way past time for other African countries (I’m looking at you, South Africa) to put a firm hand on Robert Mugabe’s shoulder and push him out. Not only is he single-handedly destroying what was once the breadbasket of Africa, he’s quite mad:

The African leader some call a hero and others a destructive despot suggests people in his country aren't hungry, they just can't eat their favorite food.

President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, said in an interview with The Associated Press that his people are "very, very happy" though aid agencies report 4 million of 11.6 million face famine.
Read the whole article: Mugabe once deserved praise for liberating Zimbabwe from colonial rule and creating a vibrant economy. Now he’s systematically dismantling political freedoms and starving his own people with a Marie Antoinette-ish “let them eat potatoes.”


  1. Anonymous11:29 AM

    "We're not going to have any casualties."
    --2002, George W. Bush before the invasion of Iraq

    “Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be somewhere.”
    --2004, George W. Bush

    "Our healthcare system is the envy of the world."
    --2004 debates, George W. Bush

    "Make no mistake about it, we are winning."
    --2004, George W. Bush on Iraq

    "I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees."
    --2005, George W. Bush

    Zimbabwe's people are "very, very happy."
    --2005, Robert Mugabe

  2. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Eurasia, I'd say that tells me all I need to know about your humanity, or lack there of.


  3. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Of course Eurasia lacks humanity. He's a landmass!

    What's "BDS," the Bush Defense Squad? You two deep thinkers seem to have blinked over Eur's presumable point:

    THEIR laughably self-serving, easily-disproved quotes = BAD AND INSANE
    OUR laughably self-serving, easily-disproved quotes = STRONG, STEADY LEADERSHIP

  4. I think Eurasia and "No man" (who are NOT the same person, oh no no) both make the same point: there is really no difference between Bush and a man systematically starving millions of his own citizens.

    Anyone who suggests otherwise, why they're just right-wing robots!

  5. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Don't make me post the list of Dems who claimed from 1994 on, until after we didn't find any, that Saddam had WMD. That many insane people in the Democratic Party would . . . .

    Well, hell, that *would* explain a lot, wouldn't it?

  6. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Two guys who might be one guy, vs. four guys who think like one guy. What a battle!

  7. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Why would anyone expect one African country to criticize another?

  8. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Robert Mugabe is a marxist, and a murderer; in fact, isn't that an oxymoron? No marxist in power has ever been anything but a murderer. You say he should get credit for freeing the country from white oppression, what he really did is free it of white productivity.

    The only liberty any marxist has ever given anyone is the liberty of death.

  9. Anonymous10:23 PM

    We must eat our mistakes with humility. I meant to type redundancy, above, instead of oxymoron.

  10. He, Robert Mugabe, has got to swim a river as an example of his fitness and pull his pants down to check himself for fleas before I'll accept the Mao Zedong comparison. It also helps if Mugabe has married an actress.

  11. Anonymous3:37 AM

    Today's headlines:

    2. Iraqi defense officials have embezzled $1.27 billion...

    GWB: "Freedom is on the march!"

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