Monday, September 12, 2005

Judge Roberts makes reference to some obscure sport

From Fox News:

"Judges and justices are servants of the law, not the other way around. Justices are like umpires" in that they call the game as they see it, Roberts said in unwritten remarks that took only six-and-a-half of the 15 minutes allotted to him. "I will remember it is my job to call balls and strikes, not to pitch or bat.”
Huh? He should have formed a metaphor from football or NASCAR, not that old and busted “sport.”


  1. 6 1/2 of the alloted 15 minutes? Not a politician.

  2. Anonymous6:54 AM

    But will he support Unser family values?

    Regardless, John Roberts couldn't possibly use a NASCAR analogy for the Supreme Court. In NASCAR, they all go to the left.

  3. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Supreme Court - the instant replay offical of the NFL.

    I will remember that it is not my job to throw, catch or carry the football. It is not my job to signal touchdown with the play at the goal line. It is my job to review the slo-mo replay and determine whether the referee made the correct call within the established rules of the game.
