Thursday, September 22, 2005

Is South Africa the next Zimbabwe?

From the BBC: “South African white farm to be seized

South Africa says it will for the first time force a white farmer to sell his land under a redistribution plan.
Here’s a gobsmackingly stupid and unbelievably horrifying quote:

But Deputy President Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka says the pace of reform should be speeded up - as in neighbouring Zimbabwe, where most white-owned land has been seized by the state.

"There needs to be a bit of oomph. That's why we may need the skills of Zimbabwe to help us," she said.
The “skills of Zimbabwe.” This is unreal: Robert Mugabe is a role model for the South African government.


  1. What the left wants forgotten is that most of what is now South Africa was unsettled and was the home of scattered bushman, as it still is to a degree, until the Dutch whites started settlement. It was farmers who created and built South Africa, then miners, and not soldiers or police, contrary to what the left's devious reconstruction of history insists.

    Apartheid was a desperate effort of whites, after many decades, to cope with vast numbers of immigrants to South Africa, from failed neighboring countries, who were coming for a better life. The people who had populated the land and built the infrastructure of the country were being overrun by a population that had no means, and didn't understand the laws; a majority was becoming a smaller and smaller minority.

    The new understanding is; like it or not, black or white, the country is to become a wholly black and impoverished hell, destroyed and ruled by Marxists.

  2. South Africa is finished. With any luck, there is a court decision on this "redistribution" for Breyer and Ginsburg to cite to.

    And, is there any doubt that if American liberals could get away with it, they'd do the same exact thing all over the Midwest?

  3. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Hi, Eric. I am the Robert of post #2 above. I forgot that I have to enter the initials with each comment.
