Saturday, September 10, 2005

The government failed. Therefore we need more government?

Here’s the conclusion of David Brooks’ article in the NY Times: “The Best-Laid Plan: Too Bad it Flopped

This preparedness plan is government as it really is. It reminds us that canning Michael Brown or appointing some tough response czar will not change the endemic failures at the heart of this institutional collapse.

So of course we need limited but energetic government. But liberals who think this disaster is going to set off a progressive revival need to explain how a comprehensive governmental failure is going to restore America's faith in big government.
One of the most disturbing things I heard after-the-fact was that people seeking shelter in the Superdome were supposed to bring their own food and water. I would have assumed, as many did, that the city of New Orleans would at least make some minimum attempt to provide for the evacuees, but it was apparently an afterthought. Maybe the lesson here is that people should prepare with the expectation that the government will not respond, and be grateful if it does.


  1. Anonymous10:32 PM

    I was in New Orleans up until the Saturday before the storm. Officials did in fact say on the radio and TV that people who had to go to the Superdome for refuge should bring their own blankets along with food and water for two days.


  2. Anonymous10:33 PM

    I was in New Orleans up until the Saturday before the storm. Officials did in fact say on the radio and TV that people who had to go to the Superdome for refuge should bring their own blankets along with food and water for two days.


  3. Gary, I saw some people on line outside the Superdome before Katrina hit and, while they may have had blankets, I saw very little food & water.

    I'm in disbelief that New Orleans would tell citizens that the Superdome was a refuge and fail to set up Porti-potties. They serve $6 hot dogs and $3 pretzels on a regular basis: they can't feed a couple thousand people? It's crazy.
