Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Good news: The government took in more in revenues than it spent in August.
Bad news: The government is still spending too much money.
Upshot: The deficit is still huge, just not as huge as it was before. Hooray.


  1. It still falls to the state to run the show and the Federal government to come in when asked. It seems the State Department of Homeland Security (not related to the federal department) was supposed to have handled this and they seem to have done next to nothing, except prevent the Red Cross and others from getting in there to help. That is not to say the feds are blameless, but you can't put it all on the feds because the state screwups put them at an initial disadvantage and then at the time they were doing things, the state was still causing screwups, which have also been blamed on them. Let's hope this practice run (which the state apparently never did before) means the next disaster will be handled in a better way.

    PS. Its not like this was the first hurricane ever to hit the US. You would have thought that the State of Louisiana might have sent their disaster prevention and recovery people for training in Florida, where they've had quite a bit of experience with hurricanes.

    Come to think of it, I don't remember the state of Florida sitting on its hands waiting for the federal government to bail them out. They had disaster plans and they executed them.

  2. I think maybe you meant to include this comment on the post above.
