Monday, September 26, 2005

The Democrats got nothin’ – a continuing series

Here’s NY Times columnist David Brooks on “Meet the Press”:

You look across the party and you see some Democrats who really are working on policy ideas. I think of John Edwards, Steny Hoyer, one of the House leaders who had a foreign policy document come out this week. But most Democrats seem to be acting as if the main problem with the country is that the country doesn't hate George Bush enough. And if we only shout louder, they'll hate him more like tourists in Paris who think they'll understand us if we scream a little louder. And to me, it's led to the brain death of the Democratic Party. I don't know where the party stands on Iraq. I don't know where it stands on entitlement spending. On issue after issue, I really don't know where that party stands.
As if to accentuate this point, liberal columnist Maureen Dowd was asked by Tim Russert what exactly Bush should be doing and she responded with a vapid, ad hominem attack that left Jonah Goldberg fuming: “Dowd once again seemed to revel in her unseriousness.” Now there’s a documentary coming out of John Kerry’s run for the White House (HT: Ex-Donkey); here’s the press release with emphasis added:

A press release claims the movie - which won't be shown publicly until Thursday - "turns a harsh but deeply revealing mirror on the campaign ... a disorganized, contentious, self-absorbed team that thought they could win by 'not making mistakes,' and keeping their candidate in the public eye without clarifying a position on anything."
I’ve long been critical of the Democrats for failing to take any coherent position on that cornerstone of the New Deal, Social Security. The debate and vote over John Roberts will further reveal them as a party that is slavish to George Soros and the MoveOn moneymakers. Move along, no policies to see here.

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