Monday, September 19, 2005

The credulous Boston Globe believes Schumer is “conflicted”

From the Globe: “Roberts vote holds risks for Democrats”:

Some of the committee's eight Democrats, including Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, have strongly hinted they will vote no. But even some liberal stalwarts such as senators Charles E. Schumer of New York and Dianne Feinstein of California have said they have deep conflicts.
Oh puh-leeze. From Robert Novak on “Chuck Schumer’s defeat”:

Schumer has been against confirmation of every Bush appointee with any significant opposition. He opposed cloture on all 16 nominees blocked by filibuster, and said "no" on all eight brought to a vote.
There is absolutely no chance that Schumer will vote for John Roberts and it’s altogether possible that all the Democrats on the Judiciary committee will vote “no” for a nominee that, in the words of David Broder, is “obviously – ridiculously – well-equipped to lead the government’s third branch.”

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