Monday, September 05, 2005

Chief Justice Roberts - Bush Nominates Roberts as Chief Justice – Just curious: I keep seeing video of John Roberts leaving his Chevy Chase, Virginia home in the morning. Is he receiving Secret Service protection? Seems to me that somebody about to head the judiciary branch of the federal government would warrant special security. Anyway, much more on Roberts over at Bench Memos.


  1. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Well, he's not actually a Supreme Court justice (yet). Did Kerry in 2004 or Bush in 2000 get SS protection BEFORE the election?

  2. Keery got SS protection the minute it was obvious he was going to be the nominee. Don't you remember wehn Kerry tripped while skiing he said, "I didn't fall. That son of a bitch tripped me?" That SOB he was referring to was a SS agent.

    And Bush got protection the minute he became the obvious Republican nominee too.

    Roberts better have had SS protection the minute he was nominated for associate justice. I'd be shcked if he did not.
