Sunday, September 04, 2005

The anti-9/11

NY Times columnist David Brooks writes that faith in institutions is undermined by the response to Katrina:

On Sept. 11, Rudy Giuliani took control. The government response was quick and decisive. The rich and poor suffered alike. Americans had been hit, but felt united and strong. Public confidence in institutions surged.

Last week in New Orleans, by contrast, nobody took control. Authority was diffuse and action was ineffective. The rich escaped while the poor were abandoned. Leaders spun while looters rampaged. Partisans squabbled while the nation was ashamed.
Brooks suggests that America may be reaching a “bursting point” where cultural and sociological disaffection converge to bring about political change.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I've been hearing rumbles from all across the blogosphere - remember Andy Sullivan's "Eagles" meme? I've also heard it in the real world. There may be an opportunity for a John, a Rudy, or even a Hillary to REALLY start something big...
