Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Air America can’t sell air to America – From the Radio Equalizer: “Today's Santa Cruz Sentinel reports Air America affiliate KOMY-AM in Monterey Bay, California, is having a heck of a time finding sponsors. That's despite being in one of the most liberal cities in the country.” That’s funny because when I listen to Morning Sedition on XM radio, all they play is commercials. It seems like five-minute bursts of Bush Derangement Syndrome followed by 15 minutes of ads.

1 comment:

  1. I'll see if I can get a picture up (if it's still there), but as of a few weeks ago there was an Air America billboard up on Centre Street in West Roxbury (Boston), Mass.

    Pretty sad when you have to pay to advertise anti-Bush rhetoric to radio listeners in one of the bluest cities in America.
