Saturday, August 27, 2005


At the pro-Bush rally several miles away, there were some heated moments when two members of Protest Warrior, a group that frequently holds counter protests to anti-war rallies, walked in with a sign that read "Say No to War — Unless a Democrat is President."
Many Bush supporters only saw the top of the sign and believed the men were war protesters, so they began shouting and chasing the pair out. One man tore up their signs. When Will Marean of Minneapolis kept repeating that he was on the Bush side and tried to explain Protest Warrior's mission, one Bush supporter shook his hand and apologized.
Protest Warrior has been known to confuse with their brand of satire. When Time magazine ran a story about Ann Coulter, PW were identified in photos as “protesters” against Coulter.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:26 PM

    I've been a big fan of PW for a year or so, and think they're an incredibly smart and brave group.. but I'm not sure what they were thinking by trying to interject their sarcastic protest style at a pro-Bush rally.. their intent is to point out the hypocrisy of the left-wingers, and doesn't make much sense when it's the right-wing that's rallying

    nice to see them show up, but maybe they ought to leave the signs at home next time
