Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Two quick notes from Germantown, New York

I was visiting my moms the past couple days in Columbus County, New York and two stories jumped out at me. One was that there was an event at FDR's home in nearby Hyde Park to commemorate the 70th annivesary of Social Security. On hand to debate Social Security this coming Saturday are Michael Tanner of the CATO Institute and Paul Krugman of Loonyville. As Matthew Hoy reminds us, it's been over 200 days since the erstwhile columnist of the New York Times promised to reveal his plan to reform Social Security.

Second, all of rural New York was abuzz with the candidacy of Jeanine Pirro to challenge Hillary Clinton's Senate seat. Pirro may be way behind in the polls (this is New York, after all) but the challenge could put Hillary on the defensive, especially is Pirro makes an issue of pledging to serve out a full Senate term.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Yeah, that should be an absolutely huge issue, as the Pirro Express hits its stride. You've really got your finger on the Columbus County/Loonyville pulse. Bush lost New York by 20%. Kerry didn't even score that well in New England.

    So what's the tentative wishful thinking here? That New Yorkers might be unbelievably offended if their 1.3-term Senator is the one to kick the Republicans out of the White House? Good call!
