Thursday, August 25, 2005

Spend spend spend baked beans spend spend spend

Indirectly making the case for divided government, Radley Balko wonders what happened to the Republican party in “Drunk with power, spending like drunken sailors”:

The Republican Party's wholesale abandonment of limited government principles has been on display since President Bush took office. Government spending under the GOP's reign has soared to historic highs, any way you want to measure it. And in stark contrast to President Reagan — or even the president's own father—President Bush refuses to rein in spending. He hasn’t used his veto a single time since taking office — the longest such streak in U.S. history.

What continues to amaze, however, is the sheer arrogance and hubris with which the Republicans have chosen to govern. As Congressman Jeff Flake — one of the few principled Republicans in Washington — told the Washington Post, "Republicans don't even pretend anymore."
Worse than fiscal year expenditures, President Bush and the GOP have expanded entitlement spending by adding that monster prescription-drug benefit. At least discretionary spending can be cut back; entitlements are forever.

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