Monday, August 01, 2005

Special election in Ohio

Ohio’s second congressional district is having a special election tomorrow to fill the seat of Rep. Rob Portman who became a U.S. trade representative. The Air America crowd is beating the drum for Paul Hackett, an anti-war Iraq war veteran. He’s running against GOP candidate and former state legislator Jean Schmidt.

I don’t know how this will shake out (can’t find any polls) but if history is any guide, the Republican with some political experience will defeat the anti-war Democrat. Stay tuned.

Update – From Fox News: “Ohio special election could be bellwether for 06

For political junkies – The Ohio Secretary of State (HT: Dave W.)

Extra – Polipundit urges Ohioans to get out and vote for Schmidt. Lorie Byrd calls Hackett’s campaign ad “one of the most misleading I have ever seen.”

Bonus - John Hawkins sez: “Jabber all you want, Paul Hackett is going to lose


  1. The race will be closer than it ought to be for a few reasons.
    1. Male v. female. Veteran v. non vet.
    2. Hackett made sure none of his ads or signs say Democrat.
    3. Schmidt has ran almost no ads.
    4. He has been two people rather successfully. Moonbat during primaries and normal sensible human during general election.
    In the end Schmidt will win but it will be closer than most folks expect.

  2. Anonymous2:17 PM


    What do most folks expect the margin of victory to be? I expect a few points.

  3. Anonymous4:02 PM

    I would expect Hackett to do about as well as a Republican would--in San Fransisco. I am from Cincinnati and the idea that a Democrat would win the 2d district is absurd.
