Thursday, August 25, 2005

Social Security reform - Whoops, I almost forgot to link to Will Franklin’s “Reform Thursday” post. Be sure to check out the colorful graph showing how private accounts in Galveston, Texas (where they opted out of Social Security in the early-eighties) are making everyone there rich:

These Texans have a retirement plan that not only lets them sleep at night but also gives them a far better pension than does Social Security. In addition, their plan provides life insurance and disability benefits that are far better for most participants than Social Security's survivor and disability benefits. This approach also has low administration costs.
Over the past 20 years, the Galveston residents have averaged a return of 8%, far above the current return of 2% for Social Security recipients. (Scroll down to the title reading “Stop shafting American workers”.)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Interesting article about Galveston. Social Security reform should include a provision which enables localities to opt out of SS, like Galveston was able to do in the early 80's (before Congress took away that freedom).
