Monday, August 22, 2005

Moonbats declare war on DLC

RNC chair Ken Mehlman must be living large. I mean, he’s gotta have his feet up on the desk, smoking a big cigar, with a mile-long smile, watching the Left Wing destroy itself. Now the liberal bloggers and presumably the MoveOn wing are going to attack the Democratic Leadership Council. David Wissing explains why this is a super tactic:

Since 1980, there have been seven presidential elections. Out of those seven, five were won by the Republican candidtae. The other two were won by Bill Clinton, a member of the DLC. No other Democratic candidate has managed to win a single presidential election since 1980.
Maybe the Democrats believe they’ll win the next election just because they can’t possibly keep losing. As Krusty the Klown kvetched after betting against the Harlem Globetrotters: “I thought the Generals were due!


  1. Eric,

    PLEASE get haloscan comments and trackback. PPPLLLEEEASSE

  2. Anonymous10:01 AM

    And no Democrat has won a majority since Carters 50.1% in 1976 against the hapless Ford.


    1994,1996,1998,2000,2002,2004...and 2006 aint't lookin' too good either, Chomsky.

  3. Poland is *not* under Communist control! [crickets]

  4. The Krusty reference is right on!

    It is fun to watch! I love every minute of it.

    Without their Ministry of Information (the MSM) presenting the Left as caring moderates, the world now sees them for who they are - Socialist kooks.

    They are rightly scared about their impending extinction from power.

    Think of as Darwinian evolution within the political process - Heh!

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