Friday, August 19, 2005

The drift of the Democrats

Here’s David Ignatius in the WashPost with “What the Democrats should be saying”:

So where are the Democrats amid this GOP disarray? Frankly, they are nowhere. They are failing utterly in the role of an opposition party, which is to provide a coherent alternative account of how the nation might solve its problems. Rather than lead a responsible examination of America's strategy for Iraq, they have handed off the debate to a distraught mother who is grieving for her lost son. Rather than address the nation's long-term fiscal problems, they have decided to play politics and let President Bush squirm on the hook of his unpopular plan to create private Social Security accounts.

Because they lack coherent plans for how to govern the country, the Democrats have become captive of the most shrill voices in the party, who seem motivated these days mainly by visceral dislike of George W. Bush. Sorry, folks, but loathing is not a strategy -- especially when much of the country finds the object of your loathing a likable guy.
I’ve been saying most of this for a long time, esp. in the context of Social Security reform. Be sure to read the whole thing.


  1. But they don't think of themselves as an opposition party.

    After all, they won in 2000!

  2. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Let me get this straight. The *Republicans* run bitter and divisive campaigns? Was Ignatius in a coma in 2004? Helllllooooo! McFly, is there anybody in there?

    I agree that I am tired of the screaming on tv, etc. If the Dems would just put forward a coherent (it doesn't even have to be cohesive, okay?) program or set of programs, I would give them a fair look.

    I am tired of being yelled at by Howard Dean and the Dems because they think I'm too stupid to understand their brilliance. (And I'm pretty sure I'm smarter than Joe Biden.)

