Thursday, August 25, 2005

The definition of insanity

The history of price controls is long and predictable: they always fail. But that doesn’t stop government officials from making a bad situation worse. This Fark headline says it all: “Hawaii caps price of gas at $2.86 per gallon. Hilarity to ensue next when gas suppliers inexplicably refuse to sell gas to Hawaii for less than it costs them to buy it from refineries.”

Extra – Begging to Differ has “Price caps - how not to solve a problem


  1. You want to this!

    Off topic, but you have to see this.

  2. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Sometimes it amazes me that the people who do this kind of thing manage to survive long enough to reach an age where they can be elected to office.

  3. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Caps,subsidies,tarrifs, and the minimum wage all sound good at times but in the end they screw the consumer and or taxpayer
