Sunday, August 07, 2005

Breaking news - Peter Jennings dies at 67 - details at ABC News


  1. Anonymous4:31 PM

    As you know, President Bush has nominated John Roberts - a clear opponent of Roe v. Wade and a woman's right to choose - to the U.S. Supreme Court.

    I urge you to contact your Naral Pro-Choice state affiliate to find out ways you can work in your community to block John Roberts' confirmation. To find out how to contact your local affiliate, go to

    There is no time to lose. The Senate will soon begin John Roberts' confirmation hearings, and your initiative and leadership can win the battle.

    This battle to stop John Roberts is just the beginning of a four-year campaign to prevent George W. Bush from stacking the Supreme Court with enemies of reproductive freedom. Victory now is an absolute must - to show that the pro-choice movement has the ability to defeat future nominees who pose an obvious threat to Roe V Wade.

    Call your Senator and let him/her know you want to stop John Roberts- (202) 224-3121

    Will you give cancer patients a chance?

  2. you're kidding right?!
