Thursday, August 11, 2005

Baseball is “a game in a crisis of faith

So says the Baltimore Sun in this article stating “players, fans at all levels question the integrity of baseball amid scandals.” Some disenchanted fans greeted Rafael Palmeiro on his return after a 10-game suspension:

Plenty of Orioles fans, though, weren't ready to turn the other cheek just yet. Scott Anderson, a police officer from Harrisonburg, Va., showed up at the game with three friends, all wearing orange-and-black T-shirts with Palmeiro's No. 25 on the back and "Hall of Shame" and a syringe on the front.

All four men sat in box seats just behind the Orioles dugout and cheered for their team. They said they'd be back tonight, with their custom-made shirts that cost $52 total.

"I was Raffy's biggest fan because he was the exception to all these other cases," Anderson said. "When I heard the news, I said to myself, 'Who do I believe anymore?'
Somebody owes Jose Canseco an apology.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Welcome to NASCAR, America.

    Our cars may be juiced, but the drivers aren't.

    P.S. -VP, sorry about my earlier "oscure blogger" swipe.
