Sunday, August 14, 2005

Air America update

I wanted to write about this the other day, but I plum forgot. Anyway, Friday morning I was flipping around my XM radio to AA’s “Morning Sedition” and one of the hosts was complaining that conservatives/Republicans “need to label people” so that they can attack them. I snorted. My God, do these guys hear what they’re saying? One of the hosts of MS (Mark Riley I think) regularly and reflexively refers to conservatism as a “neo-con death cult” and Christians as a “crypto-fascist zombie brigade.”

These guys are completely off the rails, living in that Bush Derangement Bubble that fixates on Diebold voting machines in Palm Beach. It’s not just that, in the words of Brainster: “It's painful to listen to: it's all doom and gloom. Everything's awful and getting worse.” Air America would still be an unentertaining, although passable diversion, if they had an iota of rhetorical integrity. But they don’t make the slightest effort towards reality; instead it’s 24-7 of preaching to the choir with tinfoil conspiracy theories, sloppy logic, and outright falsehoods. Who can listen to this bile more than a week? I can’t believe they’ve lasted as long as they have, even with interest-free loans from Boys and Girls clubs.

Extra – Speaking of transparent bias, here’s the Radio Equalizer on the New York Times’ coverage of the Air Enron story. Would the Times wait so long to report a story of embezzlement by Rush Limbaugh’s radio network? Ha-ha – good one.


  1. Almost right; Marc Maron refers to conservatives as christo-fascist zombie death cult. Mark Riley serves as his backup to correct him when he accidentally refers to them as christo-zombie fascists.

  2. Another Air America Scandal is brewing in Minnesota.

    More here, here, here, and here.
