Friday, July 01, 2005

Who’s next?

Alexander McClure makes a good point here that the Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee are such that any Bush nominee for the Supreme Court – any nominee – will emerge from the committee with a 10-8 vote, no matter what his/her credentials might be.

It’s all but certain that Kennedy, Leahy, Feinstein, Schumer and Durbin will reflexively vote against any Bush nominee. Joe Biden might have been fair-minded in the past, but he’s running for president now, so he couldn’t possibly support a conservative candidate.

Slate has the short list of potential nominees. I think that Michael Luttig – a former clerk for Scalia - would make the best justice, but I wonder if the White House will make a Machiavellian/political choice with Emilio Garza (Hispanic and a former Marine) and try to bypass a drawn-out confirmation battle.

Follow up – Erick with a ‘k’ at Red State says Garza is at the top of the list. (Hat tip: Betsy)

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