Sunday, July 31, 2005

Who didn’t know? - Time magazine has an article titled “When they knew” that tries to lay down a timeline for when Bush administration officials, including Karl Rove, might have discovered the connection between Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame. John Podhoretz writing on the Corner believes that Time is spinning and the evidence clears Rove (and Scooter). The Minuteman isn’t so sure but quips: “Maybe the TIME piece should be re-headlined - "Lots of People Kept A Secret For A Surprisingly Long Time".

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Valerie Plame's undercover work involved a CIA cover company. It isn't in anyone's interest to point out that by revealing Plame's identity Rove and Novak and Libby didn't just expose Plame, they exposed every CIA agent that has used the same CIA cover company, at least to anyone who knew enough to connect the dots.

    If you were a suspected terrorist and knew Plame and knew the company she was supposed to be working for, then you know it was a CIA front. And if you've gotten that far, it doesn't take much to realize that anyone else who is supposed to be working for the same company is almost certainly a CIA agent. Whoops.

    But hey! That Joe Wilson sure is bitter. And partisan, too. And when Tim Russert and Lewis Libby's testimony to the special prosecutor directly contradict one another, any rational person must conclude that Russert is the total liar. Libby has no motive to lie, particularly since George Bush said on June 10, 2004 that he would fire "anybody who leaked the agent's name." Er, who committed a crime. Um, knowingly committed a crime. Ahem, to bring freedom to Iraqi women.
