Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Those damn Yankees Republicans!

Sean at Everything I Know is Wrong doesn’t think much of Hillary’s latest speech:

Let's put this in perspective: Republicans won the 2004 presidential election. That makes them, by definition, the majority. The majority would, by definition, have to encompass at least half of the center. What Mrs. Clinton is really saying when she talks about the "Grand Canyon gap" is that Democrats are so far left that even the centrist Democrats to whom she is speaking can't tell the center from a giant hole in the ground.
And I like the part where Hillary complains about the Republicans “consolidating power.” For heaven’s sake, isn’t that what political parties do? She seems baffled at the whole process of winning elections and stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Don't any of you guys understand? Democrats are entitled to govern this country because they are intellectually and culturally superior to the rest of us --- just ask them. If they believed in God one might even say they have the God-given right to govern but since they don't we can't.

    If the rest of us would simply stop fighting in those pesky elections and let them take control they will tell all of us how they want us to live our lives, how they want us to spend our money (what little they let us keep), how they will raise our children, etc. Life will be so much easier and less complex when the liberals resume their rightful place running the country.
