Thursday, July 21, 2005

There’s a time for defiant stoicism and there’s a time for ass-kicking

Read this account on Wizbang of one of the attempted London terrorists and how, with a smoldering (dud) bomb at his feet, he still managed to escape from the Underground.

Yo know- We Americans consistently get belittled as being too willing to use force. And I'm not trying to insult our British friends... But (genuinely) do you see this guy getting away in New York????
Maybe my arrogant American side is showing but I wouldn't have wanted to be him for that 20 seconds before the door opened if that were here in the States. I don't know the layout of the train etc but I just think in my gut that this guy wouldn't have made it out the door except on a stretcher in this country. We would have killed the guy. I'm not saying the Brits did anything wrong - I just think it is a cultural difference. YMMV
Quite right, chap. I’m a little stunned by the UK Sun story about how the attempted bomber stood on the subway platform praying intently and apparently didn’t draw much attention only two weeks after 7/7.

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