Monday, July 11, 2005

Supreme smackdown

Two great posts on Q&O take on Chuck Schumer and E.J. Dionne for their unique positions that the President simply must get permission from Senate Democrats before nominating a new Supreme Court justice. Meanwhile, the Washington Post sounds a similar note while voicing this Pollyannaish hope:

Liberals and Democrats, having lost the election, cannot reasonably ask Mr. Bush to nominate a justice to suit their tastes. But that doesn't mean a full-fledged war is inevitable. Even in the current environment, there must be a potential nominee who will satisfy the president but offend a minimal number of his foes. The president would do great service if he could find such a person.
Dream on, WashPost. If the Democrats were a confident party, they might act like statesmen, and live up to the traditional quality of advise and consent. Instead, they’re ready to attack anybody that Bush nominates for the position to appease their special interests. Then the WashPost and the NY Times will predictably follow up with heartbroken editorials about how it’s Bush’s fault that the country is so divided.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Yes. Shame on those Democrats. They'll do anything to suck up to their special interest groups. They bring shame upon the noble vocation that is politics.

    How pathetic is their flailing about like that when we have important work to do like saving Terry Schiavo and dealing with the national flag burning crisis.
