Thursday, July 07, 2005


Globe & Mail: “A mourner weeps as she holds up the U.S. flag and a newspaper front page on September 13, 2001 during the playing of the U.S. national anthem by the Coldstream Guards band at London's Buckingham Palace. The special changing of the guard was ordered by Britain's Queen Elizabeth II in honor of the victims of the terrorist attacks in the United States.”

AP: “Police officers raise a British flag in front of the State Department in Washington, D.C., Thursday, July 7, 2005, in remembrance of those killed in the London bombings.” According to Publius Pundit, this is the first time a foreign flag has ever flown at the State Department.


  1. For once, our State Dept. does something I like.

  2. I can't agree. There are lots of ways for us to show solidarity with the British after this attack. Flying another country's flag over our State Department isn't an appropriate one.
