Tuesday, July 19, 2005

My choice for SCOTUS

First choice: Judge Samuel B. Kent for the single funniest decision I’ve ever read.

Second choice: Judge Gerald J. Klein for his unflappable response to this.

On a serious note, I’m still firm in my belief it will be Emilio Garza. I think Bush wanted to nominate Gonzales but faced too much opposition from conservative groups. I also believe that Laura Bush’s “offhand” remark that she would like to see a woman on the Court was a contra-intentional signal. President Bush has 55 solid votes and the Gang of 14 to rule out a filibuster, so why not put in a true conservative? Plus, as a Hispanic, it will be difficult for certain Senators to vote against this ex-Marine.

And please, enough of the “unite the nation” or “in the mold of O’Connor” or “keep the balance” blather. Don’t like it? Win an election.

Update: Edith Jones, Michael Luttig, and Priscilla Owen are now posting double-digit increases on Tradesports.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Watch for Judge Kent's opinion in the Star Bock beer case. Dilution of trade name between Rex (Wrecks) Bell and Starbucks coffee in his Galveston court. Rex runs the Old Quarter Cafe and mixed some beer he called "Star Bock" (a uniquely TX brew). His in-court comments indicate he is "amused" with the case.
