Monday, July 11, 2005

Keeping my powder dry – Many, many other blogs are commenting on the Rove/Plame story and I’m going to wait a day to see how things play out. Near as I can tell, though, Karl Rove’s crime is that he said that Joe Wilson’s wife worked at the CIA but not that she was a covert agent. Also, it would be fair to say that Wilson’s motives in this whole matter are highly suspect. Check out the Minuteman who has a “clear as mud” roundup with many links.


  1. The only people who care about this crap are the same people who hate Rove anyone. Preaching to the choir. Who cares?

  2. Anonymous3:03 AM

    You're wise not to commit to a reaction right away on the Plame case. Whether Karl Rove is complicit in this treasonous activity is so, so speculative at this early stage in the story. Why jump to hurtful conclusions?

    It's much better to discuss what some believe the Republican Senators might do... should the Democrats decide to filibuster... which they can't anyway, but let's say they do... if Bush picks a Supreme Court nominee who may be unacceptable... by the standards the Dems may be advancing.

  3. Anonymous7:20 AM

    God bless you, son. Now that McClellan and the rest of the White House has gone from full denial (along with promises to fire anyone involved in this) to 'no comment' mode, we need you guys out in the trenches to fight the good fight.

    I dig your approach. We parse out the fact (a la Bill Clinton) that I didn't actually specifically state her covert status when telling the reporter that she worked for the CIA. If you could manage to make a statement like that with a straight face in front of a bunch of reporters I'd like to offer you McLellan's job once this whole thing blows over. Let's keep those terrorists - I mean Democrats - at bay.

  4. Thanks, Karl! BTW, I think you’re in the clear legally since it will be all-but-impossible to prove that you intentionally outed somebody who may or may not have been a covert agent. (see Powerline link) That leaves the political angle and the fact that the White House has to admit that it misled Americans about your role in the leak. The question then is whether Bush will cut loose somebody who was clearly acting to defend the Administration from a rogue agent misrepresenting the conclusions of his own report (see Red State link).

    My guess is that Bush will weather out the storm and keep you on, Mr. Rove. Under different circumstances you would be toast but the Democrats have so overplayed the “outrageous resignation” card (Rumsfeld, Powell, Wolfowitz, DeLay) that it’s lost all meaning.

    Still, you should probably update your resume.

  5. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Treasonous activity my ass. The Constitution defines treason as being "in levying war" against the US or "in adhering to Enemies, giving aid or comfort." The only group in the US doing either of those things are Islamists and the left.
