Tuesday, July 12, 2005

It’s an omen – From Hotline: “The Last Time Liberals Were This Giddy Was Election Day '04 About 3pmZing! We all know how that one turned out: Karl Rove won.


  1. Karl Rove must sit at home, drinking wine and eating Cheetos, laughing his ass off at how he, as a DEPUTY Chief of Staff, is so vilified by the liberals in this country.

  2. Anonymous3:54 PM

    I am not sure why this is being viewed as a Right vs. Left issue, except for the fact that obviously everything is.

    Isn't this more about toying with national security for the sake of political revenge? Can no one admit that Karl Rove is just as bad as Clinton when he repeatedly stated that he "didn't leak her name." Techically true (as Clinton never had intercourse [let's skip debate on what "sex" is is is] with Monica), but devious and underhanded nonetheless.

    Aren't we offended when government staffers do these things?

    More importantly, who really cares if Rove is beheaded over this? It doesn't reach Bush or affect the Supreme Court appointments...
