Friday, July 29, 2005

Four words I never thought I’d typeChelsea Clinton is hot

And then there’s First Twins Jenna and Barbara:

Oh yes.


  1. Anonymous1:13 AM

    um, no.. Chelsea is not hot.. but a good photographer can make just about anyone look attractive

    but I'm going to have to go ahead and agree with you on the Bush twins.. and it's quite odd that you pull out that photo to demonstrate their hotness.. I've had that same photo on my desk at work for about a year

  2. Hey, I was just copying a RWN post. Chelsea does look good in that photo, but she's no Bush twin. Oh no.

  3. Anonymous10:23 PM

    *fingers in ears* nanananananana I am not listening to you.. I am not listening to you.. nanananananana

  4. Man, Barbara Bush (the young one!) is *smoking*...yowza! You know what, though, a confession here: I've always though Chelsea was kinda cute, at least after she got out of those awkward tweener years...

  5. She's quit using Hillary's hairdresser.

  6. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Chelsea is hot in the same vein as a trashy porn star - look at her - dolled up Eliza Doolittle trailer trash at best.
