Friday, July 29, 2005

Fat man of the people

So-called filmmaker Michael Moore makes the Bitter Waitress database on both coasts. First in New York:

This fat bastard first bitched about not being able to get a table by the window then ordered enough food for himself to feed me for a week. After busting my ass trying to bring him the next plate before he finished the first he only leaves a dollar and some change for a tip... Dude wheres my tip?
Then in Los Angeles:

OK i ran my ass off for this guy and his friends. Funny I didnt know this guy had friends, maybe they were kissups. 2.5 hours they spent shoveling food down their fat faces. Numerous refills. By the way MM is a pompous ass judging from his treatment of the staff.
(Hat tip: Raging Rightwing Republican)


  1. I am shocked...SHOCKED! to discover that Michael Moore isn't a humble man of the little people.

  2. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Does this mean right-wingers LIKE unnamed sources now? Watch that moral compass do the hoochy-coochy!

  3. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Farrah, this means Moore is a fat, sloppy and inconsiderate pig. These wait staffers are most probably democrats like yourself (or worse), but their experience is firsthand, so they won't try to deflect it, like yourself, back on the messenger.
    Unnamed Source

  4. Anonymous12:59 PM

    The second waitress says something about not knowing MM had any friends...and that they were probably just kiss-ups...well sounds to me like she had obvious bias against him in the first place...probably had an attitude from the start...if that was the case...i would not have tipped her either...

    and you know...I think he has made a career on being a loud jerk so why is anyone surprised...?
